Graduate courses

Applied Statistics for Geoinformatics (GEO 5063) 

This is a practical course covering various statistical methods used in the analysis of geospatial data. All course materials will be taught using the MATLAB programming language and presented in the form of problem sets.  The topics include 1-d and 2-d mapping, probability distributions, scatter plot comparisons, correlation analysis, uncertainty estimates, among others. Principal component analysis of geospatial data will also be covered. Prerequisites: MAT 1073, CS 1063, and STA 1053, or consent of instructor.

Ocean Remote Sensing (GEO 6063)

This is a graduate level course covering various remote sensing techniques used for observing the oceans. The course is based on a combination of lectures, assigned student readings, problem sets, and a class project.  The topics include satellite orbits, sensors used, and applications to the scientific study the oceans. Generally offered:  Spring.